Category: Folklore

  • Murder, Mystery, and the Oak That Grew from the Gallows

    Murder, Mystery, and the Oak That Grew from the Gallows

    Folks around Mobile, Alabama, will tell you there’s something peculiar about the old oak tree standing tall in Church Street Graveyard. Most folks walk right past it without a second thought, but those who know its story might pause, tip their hats, or give it a wide berth. They say that tree ain’t just any…

  • The Curious Case of Judge Albertson’s Demise

    The Curious Case of Judge Albertson’s Demise

    It was a hot, sticky evening in the summer of 1954 when Judge Thaddeus P. Albertson met his untimely end in the town of Serpent’s Hollow, Alabama. Now, Serpent’s Hollow wasn’t the kind of place you’d find on any respectable map, but in that year of our Lord 1954, it sure had a way of…